Monday, February 28, 2011

Les Miserables...

Soo...remember how I said I tried out for Les Miserables? Well...I got my part today. When the director came in he pulled me aside and said, "We have a part for you, but it's a boy. Are you okay with that?" And then I said well...uhh idk. So he said go home talk to your parents and let me know. So. Now I'm forced with the decision or either being the main part (the boy Marius) or...being a girl but I won't have a main part. I'm really sad. :( What should I do? Oh and did I mention...if I'm the boy part then I would have to marry a girl? Gross.

My grandma said that I shouldn't be sad over this. She said obviously I sang better then all the kids (including boys) so that's why I got the main part. But's a boy.


  1. kelsie, kelsie, kelsie it doesn't matter if you are a boy or STILL will sing great, you STILL will have fun, you STILL will be great...what ever you do you must be proud of it and learn to love it

  2. :( I feel guily.. I most likely am gonna turn it down.
